SEO promotion in 11 steps

Stages of SEO promotion

Neither the best website content, nor the money spent to create a website, nor the efforts of the best professionals will not help to systematically produce a resource for users, if you regularly fail to engage in SEO-promotion.

If you follow the steps listed below, the result will not be long and success will be achieved. 

The first stage. Thorough analysis of competing sites.

In any project, regardless of its focus has its own competitors. To effectively bypass them, in terms of issuing the search string owner of the site on the first page, to begin with, the optimizer must conduct a thorough analysis of all products or services of the project and objectively assess the site.

This is necessary to understand the scope of work, the initial stage of the order, a plan and a specific strategy for the most efficient and rapid promotion of the site.

Specialist at this stage of SEO-promotion already has an idea of the state of the site and whether anything needs to be changed to improve the quality of the site.

An experienced and competent specialist will notify the owner of the resource in advance about the serious changes and agree everything in time with the programmers.

Also at this stage is to agree on a budget for the work.

The second stage. Compiling the initial semantic core.

This step is especially important for any site that should get into the top lines initial pages of search queries. With the help of tools “Wordstat”, “Serpstat” and not only, generated “semantics”.  

A semantic core cannot be built quickly. It all depends on the size of the site. For a large site, you need more time.

It is advisable to divide the core into several subsections. This will help create it at the same time as the other tasks.

The third stage. Actions with the structure of the resource.

In the top pages are always full of information for the request. That is, to quickly move to the top page of the search requires serious development of a broad structure of the site.

This will require proper adjustment of the landing page.

Large online shops always have several branches and delivery points. Therefore the number of landing pages is calculated by multiplying by the number of branches.

Filling the site with unique content – an essential requirement for any resource.

The fourth step. The formation of tasks for the internal improvement of the site.

At this stage, a specialist deeply into the work with the improvement of the resource. This is a landing page, and the right queries, and bug fixing.

To do this, a full technical audit of the site and a comprehensive scope of tasks for internal optimization.

The fifth step. Internal relinking.

Relinking is the process of building interaction pages and resources through hyperlinks.

This method increases the depth of user involvement in the site itself and increases the level of the resource for a competent examination by search engines.

In other words – internal relinking puts links leading to another page of the same site.

SEO promotion

The sixth step. Content improvement.

The expert generates groups of HTML tags to produce structured data about the web page. These meta-tags should be highly unique and have phrases with low-frequency search queries.

Seventh step. Crowling budget.

Crowling budget is the number of pages on the site. These pages are crawled web crawler – a search robot for a certain amount of time.

With crawling budget act only professionals with extensive experience in this field, which will preventively cover the path of indexing to unnecessary pages for the convenience of potential customers of the site. They will also install header filters and remove links to unnecessary pages. This will ensure that search engines do not come across them when crawling.

Eighth step. Ease and comfort of visiting the site.   

The main task of the stage to make the user as easy as possible to retrieve information.

Do not forget about the users of gadgets.  This is a huge audience of potential customers.

Adapting the resource for mobile devices, increases by tens, if not hundreds of times, the visibility of the site.

Plus, if there is a simple and quite understandable visit to the site, the potential customers will be many times more. 

The ninth step. External enhancements.

External optimization is one of the main, if not the “main” condition for the successful SEO-promotion of any site.

This is, after all, is necessarily the first condition for the development of the site.  It is external optimization is carrying a lot of competition.

Therefore, all specialists are working closely with web-developers and many resources for quality content on the site.

The tenth step. Increase conversion from visitors to potential customers.

Increasing the growth of conversion from visitors to potential customers leads to an increase in purchases. And this is the main goal of any site.

Therefore, a set of works to increase conversion rates is always based on the in-depth and professional knowledge of designers and marketers.  

The eleventh step. Improving the pages of the resource.

This is the final stage in the SEO-promotion of the site.

During this stage, the structure of the resource increases and gets a final version. Adjusted filling texts, links, photos and other content for a competitive website.

The final stage usually takes a long time. And the larger the site, the more time it will take for the final stage to be completed.

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